The production of glass bottles involves a wide range of machinery and equipment. With advancements in technology, the equipment used has become more sophisticated. Here are the different categories of equipment based on production efficiency:

  1. Manual blowing: This traditional process involves using a hollow iron blowing pipe to manually blow air into molten glass, shaping it into bottles or jars. The process relies on skilled artisans and is known for its artistic value.
  2. Small round furnace manual bottle making machine: This outdated equipment combines manual glass blowing with a manually-operated turntable bottle-making machine. It is suitable for producing small orders and complex-shaped products but has limitations in terms of craftsmanship and production volume.
  3. Line machines for bottle making: These machines automate the production process and have evolved over time. Different types include Owens bottle making machines, ΠBM press-blow bottle machines, LinQu 10 type bottle making machines, determinant bottle making machines, and Heye-Moer H1-2 bottle making machines. These machines have varying features and advantages in terms of production efficiency, product quality, and flexibility.
  4. Glass blowing machine: This equipment uses a blow molding process to stretch and shape the preform into a bottle. It involves stretching, first blow, and second blow actions that need to be carefully coordinated to ensure proper temperature distribution and wall thickness. The blowing process is automated, with the machine controlling stretching speed, blowing pressure, and other factors.
  5. Glass bottle and can brand manufacturers: Xuzhou Yanjia Glass Products Co., Ltd. and Xuzhou Moshang Jiaying Packaging Technology Co., Ltd. are examples of companies specializing in glass bottle and can manufacturing. They offer packaging solutions and have expertise in the design and production of various types of glass bottles and cans.

Overall, the production of glass bottles involves a combination of manual and automated processes, with different machinery and equipment used to achieve efficiency, quality, and variety in the final products.

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