The choice of glass color for beer bottles has an interesting history. In the 19th century, when beer began to be bottled and sold commercially, glass was selected as the preferred material to preserve the freshness of the beverages. Initially, clear glass was chosen, possibly to showcase the product inside or due to a lack of awareness regarding the potential impact of bottle color on the liquid.

However, it was soon discovered that clear glass bottles had a significant drawback. When exposed to light, especially sunlight, the beer inside could quickly deteriorate, resulting in undesirable flavors and aromas. This phenomenon, known as lightstruck or skunked beer, occurs when the ultraviolet (UV) rays from light interact with compounds in hops, leading to an unpleasant taste resembling that of a skunk’s spray.

To combat this issue, brewers began to seek alternatives to clear glass bottles. It was found that darker-colored glass, such as amber or brown, provided superior protection against UV light. The darker hue acted as a barrier, preventing the harmful rays from reaching the beer and causing flavor deterioration.

As a result, the use of brown glass bottles became widespread in the beer industry. The opaque nature of the brown glass effectively shielded the beer from light exposure, helping to maintain its quality and freshness over.

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